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Garden Supply Hardscapes Belgard

Garden Supply Hardscapes Belgard DURAFUSION™ Showroom

Garden Supply Hardscapes Basalite Showroom

Garden Supply Hardscapes Basalite Showroom

Garden Supply Hardscapes Belgard DURAFUSION™ Showroom

Notice: We will be closed on February 14 and 15

Top-Quality Landscape Products Since 1964

Garden Supply Hardscapes is a family-owned and operated local landscape supply store. We provide a wide range of quality products for home and business owners, including brick supplies throughout San Jose, CA, and San Carlos serving the whole Bay Area. We’ve proudly served customers since 1964. Our team is exceptionally knowledgeable about landscapes and hardscapes. We can provide guidance and answer questions regarding paving stones, retaining walls, brick, stone, bulk materials, pre-bagged concrete, and landscape lighting. Customers choose us because we provide excellent customer service and the quickest deliveries in the area.

brick pavers stacked for sale

Partnering With Superior Pavers & Manufacturers

We have one of the largest selections of quality pavers in the area, housed at our on-site facility. We offer the finest selection of materials from the best brands in the industry. You can choose the perfect products from pavers and manufacturers like Belgard DURAFUSION™, Belgard, Basalite, McNear, Pacific Clay, and beyond. They create beautiful, robust, long-lasting brick, stone, concrete, binders, and other components of landscapes and hardscapes. Our brands have proven themselves within the industry, and we stand and support their products because we know they’ll fulfill our customer’s needs. We can provide same-day delivery on most paver products, ensuring you receive the quality you need quickly.

paver driveway

Serving Generations of Homes & Businesses

Over 50 years of service, we’ve built and maintained an excellent reputation among area homeowners, business owners, and contractors. Our customers choose us for every project because we commit to their vision and provide what they need to bring it to life. We’ll work closely with you at each stage of your project to ensure your satisfaction. If requested, our skilled team can help you design your landscapes and hardscapes and provide your materials.

Free Estimates on All Services

At Garden Supply Hardscapes, we aim to provide services that fit comfortably within our customers’ budgets. We’ll start by meeting with you to discuss your materials, project scope, and timeline. The information you provide enables us to develop a free estimate detailing your services. Once we’ve established your project requirements, we’ll make recommendations and gather and deliver your materials. Our team will provide the support and services you need to achieve favorable results and make your dream outdoor space a reality.

2 Convenient Locations

San Jose
2662 Monterey Hwy
San Jose, CA 95111

(408) 971-7600

San Carlos
803 Old County Rd.
San Carlos, CA 94117

(650) 595-1301

Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM

San Jose

2662 Monterey Hwy, San Jose, CA 95111, USA

San Carlos

803 Old County Rd, San Carlos, CA 94070, USA